Apple Barrel Bark compost is ground up wood products that has been blended with liquid nitrogen and stockpiled to generate heat that breaks down the wood fiber. The resultant compost decomposes when it is introduced with topsoil. This is used to enhance any soil that is lacking nutrients and to help hold moisture in the soil. Our compost products are commonly used in flower and vegetable gardens to enhance the soil.
Winton Mfg Compost
Winton Manufacturing is now processesing locally sourced compost in the old lake wenatchee winton mill site. This material is perfect to enhance any existing soil or to kick up your garden beds.
Screened aged sawdust broken down into a peat moss like material perfect for adding moisture retention to your soil or garden.
Price: $82.00 per cubic yd.
Composted Barnyard Fertilizer
Organic barnyard matter to be added to soil to increase nitrogen content.
Price: $85.00 per cubic yd.
Organic Apple Pulp Fertilizer (Apple-Gro)
A terrific product made by the Treetop Cider Cooperative which is then mixed with a dried fertilizer and liquid Urea to increase nitrogen. Used to add nitrogen to the soil.
Apple Barrel Bark soil has been tested by an independent lab and proven to be the very best soil mix available. This product beat or exceeded all key category elements necessary for maximum growing conditions.